From Provincial Superior’s Desk

Jesus commissioned His disciples in Matthew 28:19, saying, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Today, 2,020 years later, we the chosen and consecrated people of God still hold the responsibility and challenge to effectively continue this mandate of Christ and proclaim the good news of liberation to the least of our brothers and sisters.

Amidst the challenges and hurdles we encounter in our mission of evangelization, the booming technology and its implications in social media have brought about a revolution and we cannot but count it as a blessing from the Lord to spread His message of love, joy and hope to the world. As social media becomes increasingly a popular channel for connecting with and communicating to mass audiences, it is an ideal platform for evangelizing to the rising generations who believe in change and transformation through witnessing the credible lives of people through social media and its applications that focus on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration towards service.

I am happy and pleased to express my joy and delight about the Western Province of the Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo through this website. As this is a vital platform to share and exchange about our life and mission in the vineyard of the Lord, I invite you to spend some time glancing on its contents and also invite you to join hands with us in reaching out to the number of people as a global family.

God bless us!

Sr. Wilma Rebello, SCB
Provincial Superior


Establishing the reign of God


Sowers of Hope in a vulnerable world on our synodal journey


The sisters of St Charles are living testimonies of Hope in Communion, Participation and Mission


Work of reformation must first begin with oneself – St Charles Borromeo


The “Synod on Synodality” is an event in the Catholic Church where the term “synodality” takes on a special significance. This event was announced by Pope Francis and is part of his efforts to promote a more inclusive and consultative approach within the Church. The goal is to foster a greater sense of collaboration, dialogue and shared responsibility within the Catholic community.

In the context of the Roman Catholic Church, “synodality” refers to a more participatory and collaborative approach to decision-making and governance. It emphasizes the involvement of the entire Church community, from the clergy to the laity, in discussions and decisions on matters of faith, doctrine and pastoral practice.

The sisters of St Charles Borromeo have embarked on a spiritual journey to be: Sowers of Hope in a vulnerable world on our synodal journey. We are called to “walk the talk in synodal spirit”. This means not only discussing and deliberating on matters within a synodal assembly but also actively implementing the decisions and principles agreed upon during those consultations and discussions. It emphasizes the importance of consistency between words, decisions and actions within the framework of a synodal process, within our religious or organizational context.


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