Goal of Postulancy
  • To help the postulant make gradual transition from the lay state to the religious life and introduce her to the life of the congregation.
  • To enable her to become more conscious of the plan of God in the call proper to Sisters of St.Charles Borromeo and to respond to it with maturity of faith and right motivation.
Syllabus & Programmes:-
  • Postulancy is the second initial stage of formation hence spiritual formation is given to them through classes on prayer, kinds of prayer, meditation and kinds of meditation, silence and interior silence. Discernment, Ignatian way of meditation, beatitudes, Psalms, Sacraments and attitude of Christ which leads them to pray and initiate a meaningful religious way of life.
  • Spiritual exercises like Spiritual reading, Stations of the Cross and Mercy Rosary deepen their love and faith in Jesus.
  • They are provided with the Eucharist celebration in the convent chapel every day; except on Thursdays and Sundays and are blessed to have recourse to the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice a month.
  • To enable them to imbibe the spirit of the congregation they initiated to read the books like “Ever ancient yet ever new”, a detail study of the Patron St.Charles Borromeo, Founder Fr. Adrien Brezy and the pioneers and predecessors to enhance the spirit of belongingness to our congregation.
  • Various celebrations like Founder’s day, Family feast, Entry into Postulancy, Christmas, Easter and all other feast days of the community have enabled them to grow in family Spirit and learn to work with one mind andspirit. They learn to be more responsible and confident.
  • They are given an opportunity to go for marketing and learn to be economic and be accountable.
  • Keeping in mind the apostolate of the congregation and to infuse in them the love for the poor and the marginalized one month live in experience is arranged every year. This experience strengthens their vocation and motivates them to understand the suffering humanity.
  • Pastoral work like visiting the families, Anbiyams and conducting the Stations of the Cross, adoration, and leading the choir, motivated them to be one with the people and to pray with and for the others.
  • They do have the opportunity to express their ideas and views in the meetings like evaluations and recreations through which they learn to be confident and be trustworthy.
  • A regular personal meeting with the directress enables them to trust their authority and they become confident.
  • Postulant directress visits the houses of the formees during Christmas holidays and motivates them to encourage their daughters in their vocation to religious life.
  • Formation comprises of physical, affective, intellectual and moral formation which is achieved in the light of classes on self-discovery, self – acceptance, self-esteem and emotional maturity.
  • Opportunities are provided to develop the skills in writing, art and dance; through competitions and celebrations during the course of the year.
  • Leadership qualities are developed through their group activities and responsibilities.