Vocation Promotion

Everyone who has recognized and accepted Jesus has the mission of pointing Him to others. Therefore every sister of the congregation, treasuring her own vocation and concerned about the good news reaching to the ends of the earth has the responsibility of promoting vocations.

The vocation promoter must have a deep sense of her own identity as a religious and a particular identity as a sister of St Charles Borromeo with a genuine love for the young.

St. Paul says, if we don’t proclaim Christ to the people, how can they come to know? So also, how can the young people know about the ideals of religious life unless they see it in us and hear it from us?

  • To deepen the faith and stimulate the awareness of the Christian calling of the faithful especially of youth; awaken their attentiveness to God’s call to follow HIM more closely in the Religious life and to facilitate their free response.
  • To recruit young girls who feel called to become Religious in our Congregation.

Criteria in recruiting the candidates: In any profession, persons are chosen on the basis of their competence. In VP, the quality of life of the aspirants is very important, they are to be the good news. The Church has certain measures in place in recruiting the candidates.

“There are vocations which manifest themselves – they must be fostered.

There are vocations which are not conscious of themselves – they must be awakened.

There are vocations which do not dare manifest themselves – they must be found and encouraged.

There are vocations which are in fear of being lost – they must be reassured.

There are vocations which meet with oppositions – they must be strengthened” – Bishop Landrieux

Vocation Promotion is not a job but it is “LIFE”. We tell the young peple that this way of life is a plan of God for them.

  • Vocation Promotion is not doing a favor but it is a mission of bearing witness to Christ through everyday life.
  • Vocation promotion to religious life is to destroy the worldly values and to build the values of the kingdom of God and thus strengthen the faith of the people.

Vocation promotion