The junior sisters placed in the communities are helped to grow and attain physical, mental, human, and psychological maturity through various programmes under the guidance of the superiors and the junior directress. At this period they are introduced to the ministries to make a deeper study of the spirit of the congregation. The junior sisters are prepared according to their aptitude in spiritual and secular studies for the mission. The community and personal spiritual exercises help them to strengthen their vocation and discover God within which sustains their spiritual stream of life and that carries them to an effective ministry. They are enabled to develop the evangelical conviction that there is no spirituality without a sincere and serious commitment to the poor. The formation of the juniors takes place in different phases.
Some of the programmes of Junior sisters are as follows:
- Soon after the first profession a week of orientation is given in the Provincial house under the direction of the Juniorate Directress.
- At the end of the second year the juniors are sent for 10 days of Ashram experience.
- Those due for final profession are given a year of intense preparation that includes Theological studies.
- Every year the junior Sisters do some Scriptural Studies.
- The junior Sisters have a batch wise gathering for renewal programmes and retreats once a year.
- The Junior Directress visits the junior sisters at least once a year in their communities.