Religious journey is a journey with Christ and of kenosis. The primary pre-occupation of religious search is for the transcendent and the ultimate meaning of life that leads the individuals to God-realization and liberation. The inspirations, instructions, guidelines received from God, the General, Provincial Superiors, church authorities, periodicals, books, seminar, retreats etc. widen the vision and mission of all the Sisters. They respond to the call of God and vibrantly move with the Spirit. Rest, relaxation and renewal programmes organized periodically at the community and Province level rejuvenate the senior members. They are oriented to seek God–experience, discipleship and wholeness as an unending process. They are given every possibility to attain this realization and actualization. The happy ‘community living’ is their source of strength to bear fruit in plenty.
A list of the enrichment programmes organized for the senior sisters:
- A culture of ongoing spiritual formation through study circles, book clubs and sharing spiritual sessions within the community.
- Seminars on affective maturity, soft skills and psychosexual integration zonal-wise once a year.
- Skills for leadership and ministry within the community and beyond by offering workshops, mentoring and practical experiences that develop their abilities to serve and lead with humility, competence and compassion.
- Ongoing reflection and formation related to the mission and charism to live out the specific calling and spirituality in their respective ministries.
- Sstudy/sessions/seminars on media ethics and responsible use of gadgets.
- Ongoing formation programme in respective batches once in five years.
- One-month Ignatian retreat whenever possible for sisters.
- Renewal seminar for the middle aged sisters
- Charism retreat
- Community building sessions
- Study of the documents of the Church, Gospels, courses on Eucharist
- Preparation for overseas mission
- Formator’s course for selected individuals
- Spirituality and renewal courses for those who have worked long years in the institutions
- Pre – Chapter and Post (Provincial/ General) Chapter meetings and workshops
- Special renewal courses and seminars for members involved in specific apostolic activities: Teaching Sisters; Social Workers; Nurses; Animators; Bursars; Head of the Departments; Vocation Promoters etc.