Bhadravati, Old Town
A glance at the history of Nirmala Hospital, Old Town, Bhadravathi.
From humble beginning comes great things, such of one is Nirmala Hospital.
It is a fruit of love created by those who loved to dream and dreamed of love, and the dreamer and the visionary is Mother Virginie. Bhadravathi derives its name from the Bhadra River which flows through the city. It was earlier known as Benkipura (or Venkipura), which in English means “city of fire” in the district of shimoga. In those days in 1950s this place was without health facilities for the poor villagers.
Mother Virginie’s dream and Vision was supported and added colour to this new mission by the strong and visionary people Mother Jean Marie, Fr.Harou and Mrs Van de-JKerchov, and several others dreamed for Christ, toiled and wore out for Christ and the dream came true, the dream called NIRMALA HOSPITAL.
The Difficulties And Harships
The Provincial Council of St.Charles refused the plan because it was unrealistic and even the Bishop was not for it, the reason he said was our congregation is not able to undertake hospital. Sisters did not own any land, building, equipment, and trained staff.
Mile stones achieved in the realization of a dream
05.10.1952 : first sanction of land 200 X 200 in old town.
07.12.1953 : sanction of the government order
18.02.1954 : the land was handed over to the authorities of Nirmala Hospital.
03.06.1954 : laying the foundation stone by D.C.
07.10.1955 : Opening ceremony of the hospital by Mgs. Feuga, Bishop of Mysore, and Mother General Ann-Marie Carlier.The Deputy Commissioner of Shimoga C.V.K.Rao after the ribbon cutting ceremony, he enters through the Main Door and Declared “ NIRMALA HOSPITAL OPEN ” A big group of people and invitees were present.
27.11.1955 : opening of maternity section
Mission:-Dispensary, Mobile clinic and Maternity home, to take care of the health needs of women and children.
Fondling home to take care of the orphan and abandoned babies.
Pineers: MotherVirginy, Mother Jean Marie Srs.Francisca, Ursula and Veronica.
As the number of patients increased in the hospital, it was an urgent need to expand the hospital.
Feb.1957 : Construction of the building of the left wing of the hospital
Dec.1957 : Change of manager Mother Virginie to Sr.Jean Marie.
Jan 1958 : Construction of the building of the right wing of the hospital
Nov.1958 : Foundation of the new local dispensary is laid in the left wing of the hospital.
Dec.1958 : Opening of Medical Laboratory.
14.09.1962 : Mother Virginie called to eternity.
1966-1967 : Construction of isolation block and nurse’s block.
1968 : Construction of the top story right and left wing of the main building
1969 : The hospital portico was built
1980 : Silver jubilee celebration :25 years of tireless and fruitful service to the suffering humanity, we celebrated the Silver Jubilee of the hospital in 1980 Dec 8th.
1981 : Remodeling of the dispensary took place
1984 : Expansion of the health work to Karehalli village and surrounding villages. Foundation stone laid for health center at Karehalli by Mother General and blessed by Fr.Peter parish priest of old town.
1985 : Blessing of health center and inauguration by Rev.Mgr. Thyil
In 1994 health aids training programme started for poor girls of the locality
1995 : Blessing of the sister’squarters took place as the present rooms of the sisters had to be given for patients.
1995 : Modernization of the hospital with a pharmacy,operation theatre, installation of X- Ray and Ultra sound machine.
2003 : Construction of the second floor of the hospital, blessed by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo and inaugurated by Mother Benedicta, Superior General.
Mother Benedicta, the Provincial Superior visited Bishop Isaac Lobo, Bishiop of Shimoga. He requested Mother Benedicta to open a nursing school at Nirmala hospital, Bhadravathi. On her return to the community, she shared the request of Bishop and discerned with the community. Though we did not have trained sisters to take up the nursing school, all unanimously agreed to the proposal. Thus, the dream of having a nursing school was realized in 2004.
1955-2005 : Golden jubilee of Nirmala hospital, to time to recall the blessings of the Lord on the institution.
2010-2011 : Permission granted for B.Sc. nursing by Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo
Nov 2011 – 2012 : College of Nursing New Building was Inaugurated.
2012 : Renovation of the OPD block, a spacious outpatient department which was a most needed dream realized.
Present Mission: Medical, Social, Pastoral Education (College of nursing) Health aids training.
Now we have a 250 bedded hospital.