Mumbai, Maroul

On November 27th 1994 The Sisters of St. Charles came to work full time for the Small Christian Communities. This was the starting point of the Jyothi Kiran Convent in the slums of Ayodhya Nagar, Vasinaka East of Chembur. It was blessed and Inaugurated by the Auxiliary Bishop Ferdinand Fonseca of the Archdiocese of Mumbai, with late Sr. Juliana Vas as the Superior and assisted by Sr. Julia and Sr. Dorothy Sequeira.
The main responsibility of the Sisters was the Christian formation of the parishneers, visiting and organizing Small Christian Communities, forming women’s organizations and helping in the mission of the Church. As the time progressed the sisters extended their services to the poor and the marginalized, especially the home – bound invalids and the aged. St. Sebastian’s church, Marouli. Is one of the vibrant parishes in the Archdiocese of Mumbai. The Sisters organize baptism instructions, adult catechism, regular Sunday catechism, Eucharistic ministry, pastoral guidance, visiting families, conducting prayer services and Bible sharing.
In 2002 May 26th new Residence for Sisters was Blessed by Bishop Bosco Penha. Srs. Juliana and Julia moved out this new house, on June 1 2002 which is opposite to St. Sebastian church, Marouli Village, which is surrounded by East Indian Families.
Sisters took keen interest towards the sick, poor, aged, widows and marginalized. They were given help also identified in each area. The health cells see that the poor and sick are given medicines. Constantly the reaching out cell used to visit the people, the destitute and give them proper guidance and be with them in their difficulties.
In December 2010 our Sisters were called to take charge of the OLPS primary section which is managed by the Redeemptorist Father, thus Sr. Vinitha took charge on 13-12- 2010. In 2012 Sr. Carmine became the first Headmistress to the parish secondary section and Sr. Aurelia took charge of the Primary section at OLPS. Other sisters that is Srs. Sylvia and Christina took care of the pastoral ministry of the parish. Srs. Carmine and Aurelia used to go for visiting after the School hours. Though it was very difficult and tiring after the School hours, but still Sisters take charge of at least 3 to 4 areas even today.
In 2017 Sr. Jacintha D’ Souza took charge as Principal of Secondary Section in OLPS. Taking care of the administration in Boy‘S School is really a great challenging. But the sisters really work hard to bring discipline among them. On 2018 Sr. Therese Madtha took charge from Sr. Aurelia as Headmistress of the OLPS Primary Section. In 2019 were asked to give a Sister to work in the primary section of our parish School. Thus Sr. Kavitha George took charge as primary Headmistress of St. Sebastian School, primary section. Sr. Elizabeth takes care of the pastoral activities of the parish, like reaching out Cell, Distribution of ration, She also visits the Prison once a week.  From 2018 we have another congregation of the Dominican Sisters working in the parish School, Secondary section.
So from 2018 onwards, St. Sebastian Church has three Congregation residing in Marouli. At present we have 29 areas. Among them we, Sisters of St. Charles Jyothi Kiran take care 21 communities and other congregation Sisters Joseph of Apparition and Dominicans take care of only 8 areas. Thus, our service goes on in this parish which is dedicated to St. Sebastian.

Mumbai, Maroul